Friday, October 18, 2019

The Advent Of Globalization And Business Cultures Essay

The Advent Of Globalization And Business Cultures - Essay Example Power Distance: This deals with acceptance of the less powerful sections of an organization pertaining to the uneven distribution of power therein. Britain is a country that ranks low in PDI, indicating that it is a society that believes in minimising the inequalities among people. However, China is a top scorer in PDI, which implies that inequality in the distribution of power is acceptable in there and that power abuse is prevalent. Individualism: The issue addressed by this dimension is related to ways in which the society portrays itself, implying whether it is an inter-dependent society or an individual one. The UK is a country with a high individualistic approach, where children are taught to think and fend for themselves from a young age (Tanielian 90-96). Hence, personal fulfillment is a topmost priority in such societies. China appears to have a rather collectivistic approach, where people strive as a team and perform tasks that cater to the interest of a group or an organiz ation. Masculinity: This dimension explains dominant values of the society. A masculine or high-score on this dimension would indicate towards a society that is driven by achievement and success. A low-score (feminine) on this dimension would mean that the society is more inclined towards living a quality life and caring for others. Both China and the UK are strongly masculine societies, where people are ready to sacrifice family life in order to achieve success in the professional life. Leisure takes a backseat in such societies.  

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